Little wanderer

When i was small, i only had a few chances to travel outside the city i live in. One was to my aunt's house in Ipoh (her husband was a policeman, he was based there), we would go and visit them almost every school holidays or during festive seasons. My aunt is a cat lover so those time she would have at least 10 cats in her home, and a few chickens. We would climb up her rambutan tree (and got bitten by weaver ants numerous times) and played police & thief. After a tiring day, we would end up eating ais kepal sold by an uncle inside the barrack. There was this one time where i had mumps during one of the visits and had to fly home because it was so painful. And that was my first ever airplane ride at the age of 7.

Beside going to my aunt's house, i used to join in whenever my school had club or class outings. So i had my fair chances of visiting Cameron Highlands a few times and also some jungle which i had forgotten the names. Penang & Langkawi were also on the list and Sarikei was the least expected place that i thought i would've gone to, but hey i did, for a cousin's wedding. I never understood the purpose of traveling back then, as long as the time is fully spent doing anything but homework, i'm a happy kid!

Unfortunately i have no photos of those times anymore. There was no digitized photos back then, all were on rolls and rolls of films and the printed ones were no where to be found after we moved from our family house in the suburb of KL.

Port Dickson, another place where i used to go when i was little and had picnics with my family. Just an hour drive from Kuala Lumpur.
